Yesterday marked the official last day of my physical therapy. Yay me! I’ve been going to the clinic for 2 months now, and I’ve done rather well, just missing a couple degrees in my extension/flexion. My bend is at 109 degrees (should be 115) and straightening should be at 0 degrees (currently at 2).

Despite this very minor setback, I am doing great! I highly recommend my orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Robert Schenck, who is in Albuquerque, NM. My knee was always an issue for me (see The Story of My Left Knee) but he fixed me up!

So anyhow, I met my awesome physical therapist , Scott, at our local Gym X and he gave me the below workout plan for my knee:




Bike                     — 10 minutes
Elliptical                     — 10 minutes
Hip Machine 3 directional 40 lbs. 10x each
Glute Machine Both legs 30 lbs. 10x each
Leg Press Both legs 140 lbs. 10x
Left leg 80 lbs. 10x
Leg Extension Both legs 37.5 lbs 10x
Left leg 12.5 10x
Prone Leg Curl Both legs 25 lbs. 10x
Left Leg 12.5 lbs. 10x
Squat/ Calf Raise                 — 37 lbs. 10x

This doesn’t include any of the work I will be doing on my tummy… I’ve got a lot of weight to lose! I haven’t weighed myself lately but I think I’ve got at least 40 lbs to lose.

Here’s to sticking to the plan!

One Reply to “Beefcake! Beefcake!”

  1. Congrats!! you're doing very well as I can see. That's a great workout that your therapist put you on. If you're doing lying crunches, be careful with your back, always keep your lower-back tucked in at all times. I find it that with the Swiss Ball the crunches are more efective not only because you isolate the target muscle, but you work on your balance which strengthens your muscles and bone even more. Keep up the good work!! (crone42).

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