I haven’t lived a whole lot of years…hell, I haven’t even reached my quarter life yet. I’m 24 years old and although I don’t have time on my side, I look back on everything and it’s kind of amazing how life twists, turns and makes us stronger even when we think we are going to break.

There’s obviously so much more to my life than this and sometimes music helps remind me of those experiences. It’s kind of like when you catch the distant scent of a woman’s perfume and you’re suddenly reminded of a summer fling in college.

I’ve compiled this incomplete list of songs that remind me of various people and experiences in my life. Some remind me of trips I’ve taken, others are songs that remind me of lovers past. Either way, it’s another glimpse into my life in context. If it were complete, goodness…it would be a VERY long blog post indeed.

  • I’ve labeled them by experience or person…
  • The lyrics aren’t always relevant…and other times they are!
  • Song titles and artists aren’t listed…the fun is in identifying the song.
The Pointe in Santa Teresa, NM
Hacienda Valmora in Espanola, NM
Meeting Randy
Randy’s Life Motto
Hitching to Albuquerque
Gallup, NM
Our Mentality
Humphrey House, Hobbs NM
Moving to Clovis
Juan, My Best Friend
After Randy’s Funeral
Theme for 2010