Now that my mind has settled, it’s high time for a digital spring cleaning of sorts. So much of our lives is spent on the internet or saved on our hard drives – it would be in all of our best interests to do a little upkeep to keep things organized. This post will tell you how to clean up your social media, your data and keep your digital lives in order!
So far, I’ve gone through an old hard drive and uploaded most things to my Google Drive. Always remember to keep a few copies of your data on 1 – 2 external drives, just in case!
- Getting Started With Google Drive
- Download Google+ Auto Backup (great for photos & videos!)
- Backup ALL Your Music With Google Music
- Backup Your Precious Evenote Notebooks!
There’s also the issue of cleaning your social media accounts. If you plan to have any sort of professional life, it’s crucial to carefully curate the sorts of things you post online – or keep your accounts private, but where’s the fun in that?
- If you really want to disappear from the Internet, here’s how.
- I went from 65,000 tweets to 3,000 thanks to TweetDelete!
- Methods for cleaning up your digital footprint.
- DEEP CLEANING: Revoking access to 3rd Party Applications.
Finally, here’s a tutorial I found to re-purpose old hard drives. This is especially useful if you’ve got a lot of data to backup to a physical medium or just want to make a copy of an existing hard drive.
Hope these tips helped and that they make your digital spring cleaning a breeze!